Our Approach
Our work is inspired by Aldo Leopold’s land ethic, informed by restoration science and practice, and directed towards strengthening the ecological health, integrity and resiliency of natural landscapes to benefit people and wildlife.
Our goal is to represent the science and practice of ecological restoration in our work and we therefore follow the Guidelines for Developing and Managing Ecological Restoration Projects developed by the Society for Ecological Restoration International. We are committed providing an environmentally sound, cost effective and practical approach to land management.
*Standards-Based Ecological Restoration
*Ecological Services/Consulting
- Ecological Assessments and Natural Resource Inventory
- Management Plans
- Planning & Design
- GIS Mapping & Monitoring
- Baseline Documentation Reports
- Wetlands Permitting & NHESP
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Education, Presentations, Workshops
- Expert Witness & Third Ρarty Review (Ecological Restoration & Japanese Knotweed)
*Reforestation & Native Plant Establishment
*Invasive Species Management